Hey, darling, when
the morning returns
and the transparent
light of a sun full
of joy is reaching the
river, it's a pleasure
to meet you; this
kind of felicity
is only that dream
so, little darling,
your typical smile
is a bird that escapes
through the land
of my darkness.
Francesco Sinibaldi
Date: 26/02/2025
Subject: I'm glad to know you... ( other version )
Date: 31/05/2023
Subject: La quietud en la sombra del sol. ( other version )
Qué encanto
reposa en la tierna
atmósfera de la
fresca mañana:
esta es la
quietud en la
sombra del sol
dichoso y cantarín,
esto es el silencio
que recuerda el
Francesco Sinibaldi
Date: 22/08/2022
Subject: While death is walking alone. ( other version )
Like fear that
is shown in
the sound of
a permanent
weeping, through
the light of
frightened eyes
and then in
the shades of
a sullen present:
here comes the
death, carefully
dressed and with
a different smile...
Francesco Sinibaldi
Date: 16/10/2022
Subject: While death is walking alone. ( third version )
Like fear that
is shown in
the sound of
a permanent
weeping, through
the light of
frightened eyes
and then in
the shades of
a sullen present:
here comes the
death, carefully
dressed while
a different smile
is describing
the pain.
Francesco Sinibaldi
Date: 26/04/2022
Subject: Like a star in the sky.
That shining
star reappears
with a strong
light near a
vigorous cliff;
and always
remains, for the
loving concept
you preserve
in your heart...
Francesco Sinibaldi
Date: 28/09/2014
Subject: Good info
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Date: 26/09/2014
Subject: Good info
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